I ran out of characters for review! had tosqaushit
I've actually written a review to you before, but under a different alias...oooow, cool alias...I was Tweek before -> but that wasn't memorible enough so i changed it to something more red and skully.
I'd like to ask why you always refer to yourself as "we" i mean, what? are you some kind of basted!?... I mean crazy person? or do you actually have a team..
By the way i think you did all the voices for snake really well, except the simple text one, that is annoying.
hahah crotchless panties
The credits part was the best, you should have just subbmitted a long credits thingo.
In terms of improvments which i can recomend - which will probably be ignored but i like to put down anyway, in the faint hope that they'll have the slightest influence on later work - I don't think you should have made the faces of the people shake quite so much as it was rather annoying. Also, if your going to make something like this, with very few pictures (which is fine mind you) then you could at least spend more than 5 minutes drawing the faces. It would have been ok if you made them look ridiculous by drawing them shit, but it just looked like some 12 year old had tried to draw them.
In a couple of your replies and notices about flashes thingys you mentioned you make these while your drunk/stonned and i would just like to congratulate you on this achievement. Frankly I don't know how the shit you did that. If i tried to construct anything - least of all a flash work - while i was stonned i would probably end up being distracted by the letter "R" and then thinking i should eat some more before the flying pussies come...I'm sure you know where i'm going with this. Anyway well done on that.
I haven't written a review for a while and am pissed off the find that Newgrounds have changed the format the reveiw page, its now too small and considerablely more shit, consequentally i'm typing this is microsoft word. I thought you should know that because i know your a caring person...somehow.
An overal score of 6 might seem a bit shit considering how much i enjoy your work over all, but a line must be drawed somewhere! Cause i didn't like this as much as other stuff you've done. Persons will vote 5 and review 10 for people such as LegendaryFrog (just an example) just because they see his name on it, rather than for the actual skill which has gone into his animation.
Also you'd have to understand that if i were to give it a 10, espesially because its been made to make you laugh, i would have to have had laugh my ass off, literally, and some flash has done that to me, i've sat there and laughed for 5 minutes and watched it over and over again, when you can do that to me, i'll give it 10.
Another suggestion: I like the way your voice sounds speeded up, it's funny, it reminds me of a gay chipmonk, which we don't have in Australia...we have possums - do you have them in EuroEnglishlnd? - i think you should try slowing down your voice as well, cause that would be heaps funny and then you would (as you said to me last time i wrote something to you,) sound like Barry White, who, most irronically, is a black man, While having a name like white...
By now your probably wondering why i'm still writing, and that my friend is because it's all about quality, not quantity. Which is irrelevent considering what i'm about to say.
Also people will be impressed when they inevitably go to my profile and veiw my reviews.
Well i don't really have anything more to say about your flash, but if you type in "fuck a duck" or anything that rhymes with those syllables sympletext, you'l find it's quite funny, so give that a shot.
I’l give you the statistics of this review:
·Spelling and grammatical errors: 56
·Words: 746
·Characters (no spaces): 3,346
·Characters (spaces): 4,122
·Time to write: about 15 minutes
·Music listened to while writing: The Crystal Method
·Paragraphs: 25
·Lines: 77
·Word processor used: Microsoft Word
Hope you enjoyed, I know I did! And I hope to see more stuff from you!